Affordable Glass Dildos and Glass Sex Toys

Finally had an opportunity to check out the new glass sex toys. There has been alot of hype about them, and I have seen many pretty glass sex toysin photo shoots done in Penthouse, but what's the big deal anyways? A Pretty dildo? Well there is a lot more to them than that come to find out!
First of all, I must admit I was reluctant to check out glass sex toys and glass dildos, mainly becuase I have a real thing about glass. I love glass, and I hate glass. I have a real hatred for broken glass. I have a real paranoi about broken glass, and a lot of hang ups about glass, that nothing to do with sex or sex toys. But I have been heraing alot of friends talking about the glass dildos, and now that I have checked them out, I think I can put behins me all of my hang ups, to have a good time.
Glass dildos come in a lot of shapes and sizes, some with colors. They are made of a real hard glass that is very hard to break (I have seen one fall from a counter and bounce off the floor!). The thing I like most about glass sex toys is they are easy to clean, and very smooth. You can boil them in water or throw 'em in the dishwasher, so glass is an ideal choice of materials for clean freaks like me. If you use one for anal play, you can wash it and boil it, and it is sterile and usable for other things later. Glass sex toys are also some of the few that you can share with different partners, should you be into that sort of thing, or if you should break up and find yourself with a new mate later in life, you can be assured they are sterile after boiling (unlike the commen latex, cyberskin and futurotic ones).
Perhaps the biggest selling point of glass dildos is that you can put them in warm water in the microwave and warm them up. Women seem to always comlain that dildos don't feel like the real thing because they are usually cold to the touch in the most sensitive areas. However with glass dilidos you can heat them right up, and they feel great.
One the flip side, I have talked to many people who enjoy putting them in the freezer for 10 minutes, then using them as a cold dong to add alittle excitement to the bedroom play. I suppose this would be cool (no pun intended :-)) after a lot of sex action to help calm down the swollen labia, and get ready to get them all hot again.
I have pleased to find that you can afford the e-glass dilidos from sex toys party dot com, of course one day I hope to aquire a few of the several hudred dollar phalix glass dildos, but I like them mainly as an art piece to have on the mantle, or on the nightstand. Of course real nice art, that can be used to stimulate orgasm physically rather than just visually, is an investment that Ilook forward to making one day.
In the meantime, get a hold of one of the affordable glass dildos today, and post back letting me know what you think!
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