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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

merry ho round sex furniture

During our recent vacation we had the opportunity to check out the new merry ho round sex furniture piece from dungeon steel. This Sex furniture / sex toy kind of thing is a nice padded table kind of thing that spins. We found it comfortable to lay on, and were quite suprised that it also adjusts hieght (up and down), so you can vary the position of the lucky person who is laying there taking it.

The only complaint we had is that there was no head rest, speaking with the creators of the merry-ho-round they told us that it was originally made as a gangbang table and the head rest was considering unneccessary for the head would always be engaged while using the device.

The spinning was fun, but outside of a gangbang scenario the spinning can be kind of annoying after a while, but the hieght adjustment gives the opportunity for staning sex to be easier access for many positions, and giving head can be made easier by positioning the genital in question at varying hieghts.

The round was a fun novelty that wouls surely big a huge hit at a swing club og gangbang / porn party, we belive with a few adjustments (including a removable haed rest) this sex toy / furniture piece would make a fun addition to the bedroom.

See pics and more of the sex furniture proto type at Dungeon Steel.


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